List of Publications

  1. Sánchez-Rendón JC, Reuss A, Keskin E, Michalaki R, Bastounis EE*. Endothelial cells slow down and increase their traction and monolayer stresses in response to spatial gradients in fluid shear stress in a TGFβ1-dependent manner. In preparation.

  2. Ying Zhang, Bastounis EE, Calina Copos. Emergence of multiple collective motility modes in a physical model of cell chains. Under Review (bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2025.01.30.635787).

  3. Sánchez-Rendón JC, Hundsdorfer L, Bastounis EE. Characterizing cell motility and ERK wave dynamics in epithelial cell monolayers using FRET microscopy imaging data. Under Review.

  4. Keshavanarayana P, Aparicio-Yuste R, Gomez-Benito MJ*, Spill F*, Bastounis EE*. (2025) Leveraging computational modelling to explore epithelial and endothelial cell monolayer mechanobiology. Trends in Cell Biology. In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.tcb.2024.12.014 * co-corresponding * co-corresponding

  5. Hundsdorfer L, Muenkel M, Aparicio-Yuste R, Sanchez-Rendon JC, Gomez-Benito MJ, Balmes A, Schäffer T, Velic A, Yeh YT, Constantinou I, Wright K, Özbaykal Güler G, Brokatzky D, Macek B, Mostowy S, Bastounis EE. (2025) ERK activation waves coordinate the mechanical competition that leads to extrusion of bacterially-infected epithelial cells. Cell Reports, 44. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.115193 [download].

  6. Jaworski D., Hundsdorfer L., Bastounis EE*,  Constantinou I*. (2025) StretchView - a multi-axial cell-stretching device for long-term quantitative videomicroscopy of living cells. Advanced Science, e2408853. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202408853*co-senior, co-corresponding

  7. Aparicio Yuste  R, Hundsdorfer L, Bastounis EE*, Gomez-Benito MJ*. (2025) Hybrid model to simulate host cell biomechanics and bacterial spread during intracelular infection of epithelial monolayers. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 185, 109506. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.109506. *co-senior, co-corresponding

  8. Caspi Tal M, Hansen P, Ogasawara H, Feng Q, Volk R, Lee B, Casebeer S, Blacker  G, Shoham M, Galloway SD, Sapiro A, Hayes B, Torrez Dulgeroff L, Raveendra Pothineni V, Potula H, Rajadas J, Bastounis EE, Chou S, Robinson W, Coburn J, Weissman IL, Zaro BW Hayes B, Torrez Dulgeroff L, Raveendra Pothineni V, Potula H, Rajadas J, Bastounis EE, Chou S, Robinson W, Coburn J, Weissman I, Zaro BW, P66 is a bacterial “don’t eat me signal” that mimics mammalian CD47 and facilitates macrophage evasion by Borrelia burgdorferi. Under Review, DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.29.591704 [download].  

  9. Lebtig M, Sheurer J, Muenkel M, Becker J, Schittek B, Bastounis EE, Peschel A, Kretschmer D (2023) Keratinocytes use the FPR2 to depetect Staphylociccus aureus and initate antimicrobial skin defense. Frontiers in Immunology, 14 [download].

  10. Kutluk H, Bastounis EE, Constantinou I (2023) Integration of extracelular matrices into organ-on-chip systems. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2203256 [download].

  11. Constantinou I, Bastounis EE* (2023) Live-cell imaging during cyclic stretching: engineering considerations and biomedical appeal. Trends in Biotechnology, 41, 939-950 [download]. *Corresponding author.

  12. Jahanbani S, Hansen P, Blum L, Bastounis EE, Ramadoss N, Pandrala M, Kirschmann J, Blacker G, Love Z, Weissman I, Nemati F,  Caspi Tal M, Robinson W (2023) Increased macrophage phagocytic activity with TLR9 agonist conjugation of an anti-Borrelia burgdorferi monoclonal antibody. Clinical Immunology, 109180 [download].

  13. Muenkel M, Aparicio-Yuste, R, Caspi Tal, M, Kraiczy P, Bastounis EE* (2022) Spatiotemporal characterization of endothelial cell motility and physical forces during exposure to Borrelia burgdorferi. STAR Protocols 3, 101832 [download].*Corresponding author.

  14. Aparicio-Yuste R, Serrano-Alcalde F, Muenkel M, Gómez-Benito M, Garcia-Aznar J, Bastounis EE, Gómez-Benito M (2022). Computational modelling of epithelial cell monolayers during bacterial infection: application to Listeria monocytogenes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 115477 [download].

  15. Aparicio-Yuste R, Muenkel M, Clark A, Gomez-Benito M, Bastounis EE* (2022). A stiff extracellular matrix favors the mechanical cell competition that leads to extrusion of bacterially-infected epithelial cells. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10 [download]. *Corresponding author.

  16. Aparicio-Yuste R, Muenkel M, Axarlis K, Reuss A, Gómez-Benito M, Blacker G, Caspi Tal M, Craikzy P, Bastounis EE* (2022) Borrelia burgdorferi modulates the physical forces and immunity signaling in endothelial cells. iScience 25, 104793 [download]. *Corresponding author.

  17. Bastounis EE*, Rhadhakrishnan P, Prinz C, Theriot JA* (2022). Mechanical forces govern interactions of host cells with bacterial pathognes. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews e0009420. 10.1128/mmbr.00094-20 [download]. *co-Corresponding authors

  18. Bastounis EE, Rhadhakrishnan P, Prinz C, Theriot JA. (2021) Volume measurement and biophysical characterization of mounds in epithelial monolayers after intracellular bacterial infection. Cell STAR Protocols 2 (2): 100551 [download].

  19. Bastounis EE, Serrano-Alcalde F, Rhadhakrishnan P, Engström P, Gómez-Benito M, Oswald M, Yeh YT, Smith J, Welch M, Garcia-Aznar M, Theriot JA (2021). Mechanical competition triggered by innate immune signaling drives the collective extrusion of bacterially infected epithelial cells. Developmental Cell 56, 443-460.e411 [download].

  20. Bastounis EE, Yeh YT, Theriot JA (2019) Subendothelial stiffness alters endothelial cell traction force generation while exerting a minimal effect on the transcriptome. Scientific Reports 9(1): 18209 [download].

  21. Faralla C*, Bastounis EE*, Ortega F, Light S, Rizzuto G, Nocadello S, Anderson WF, Robbins JR, Robbins J, Theriot JA, Bakardjiev A (2018) Listeria monocytogenes InlP interacts with afadin and facilitates basement membrane crossing. PLoS Pathogens 14(5):e1007094 [download].  *First co-authors

  22. Bastounis EE, Yeh YT, Theriot JA (2018) Matrix stiffness modulates infection of endothelial cells by L. monocytogenes via expression of cell surface vimentin. Molecular Biology of the Cell 29(13):1571-1589 [download].

  23. Bastounis EE, Ortega F, Serrano R, Theriot JA (2018) A multi-well format polyacrylamide-based assay for studying the role of extracellular matrix stiffness on the bacterial infection of adherent cells. Journal of Visualized Experiments 137:e57361 [download].

  24. Copos CA, Guy RD, Walcott S, Bastounis EE, del Álamo JC, Mogilner A (2017) Mechanosensitive adhesion explains  stepping motility in amoeboid cells. Biophysical Journal 112(12):2672-2682 [download].

  25. Lamason RL, Bastounis EE, Kafai NM, Serrano R, del Álamo JC, Theriot JA, Welch MD (2016) The Rickettsia effector Sca4 promotes cell-to-cell spread by reducing vinculin-mediated intercellular tension. Cell 167(3):670-683 [download].

  26. Bastounis EE, Theriot JA (2016) A highly quantitative multi-well format assay for studying the effect of extracellular matrix mechanics on the bacterial infection of endothelial cells. Athens Journal of Sciences 4(1):7-20 [download].

  27. Bastounis EE, Álvarez-González B, del Álamo JC, Firtel R, Lasheras JC (2016) Cooperative cell motility during tandem locomotion of amoeboid cells. Molecular Biology of the Cell 27: 1262-1271 [download].

  28. Álvarez-González B, Meili R, Bastounis EE, Firtel R, Lasheras JC, del ÁlamoJC(2015) Three-dimensional balance of cortical tension and axial contractility enables fast amoeboid migration. Biophysical Journal 108:821-832 [download]

  29. Bastounis EE, Meili R, Álvarez-González B, Francois J, del Álamo JC, Firtel R, Lasheras JC (2014) Both contractile axial and lateral traction force dynamics drive amoeboid cell motility. Journal of Cell Biology 204:1045-1061 [download].**Cover image selected for the issue of March 17, 2014.

  30. Álvarez-González B, Bastounis EE, Meili R, del Álamo JC, Firtel R, Lasheras JC (2014) Cytoskeletal mechanics regulating amoeboid cell locomotion. Applied Mechanics Reviews 66, 050804-050804 [download].

  31. del Álamo JC, Meili R, Álvarez-González B, Alonso-Latorre B, Bastounis EE, Meili R, Firtel R, Lasheras JC (2013) Three-dimensional quantification of cellular traction forces and mechanosensing of thin substrata by fourier traction force microscopy. PLoS ONE 8:e69850 [download].

  32. Bastounis EE, Meili R, Alonso-Latorre B, del Álamo JC, Firtel R, Lasheras JC (2011) The Scar/WAVE complex is necessary for proper regulation of traction stresses during amoeboid motility. Molecular Biology of the Cell 21:3995–4003. **Cover image selected for the issue of October 15, 2011 [download].

  33. Lasheras JC, Alonso-Latorre B, Bastounis EE, del Álamo JC, Meili E, Firtel R (2011)  Distribution of traction forces and intracellular markers associated with shape changes during amoeboid cell migration. International Journal of Transport Phenomena 12: 3-12 [download].

  34. Tsekouras NS, Katsargyris A, Skrapari I, Bastounis EE, Georgopoulos S, Klonaris C, Bakoyiannis CN, Bastounis EA (2011) The role of carotid plaque echogenicity in baroreflex sensitivityJournal of Vascular Surgery 54:93-99 [download].

  35. Bakoyiannis C, Tsekouras NS, Georgopoulos S, Klonaris C, Bastounis EE, Filis K, Papalambros E, Bastounis EA (2011) ICU transfer after elective abdominal aortic aneurism repair can be successfully reduced with a modified protocol. A fourteen year experience from a University hospital.” International Angiology 30: 43-55 [download].

  36. Alonso-Latorre B, Meili R, del Álamo JC, Bastounis EE, Firtel R, Lasheras JC (2009) Distribution of traction forces associated with shape changes during amoeboid cell migration. Conference Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 3346-3349 [download].

  37. Bastounis EA, Bakoyiannis C, Cagiannos C, Klonaris C, Filis K, Bastounis EE, Georgopoulos S (2007) A Short incision for carotid endarterectomy results in decreased morbidity.European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 33:652-656 [download].

  38. Stoitsis J, Golemati S, Bastounis EE, Nikita KS (2007) A mathematical model of the mechanical deformation of the carotid artery wall and its application to clinical data. Conference Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2163-2166 [download].

  39. Stoitsis J, Bastounis EE, Karampinos DC, Bosshard JC, Lu J,Golemati S, Wright SM, Georgiadis JG, Nikita KS (2007) Velocity extraction from spin-tagging MRI images using a weighted least-squares optical flow method. IEEE Imaging Systems and Techniques 1-5 [download].