To combat infectious diseases, it is important to understand how host cells interact with bacterial pathogens in a milieu dominated by both chemical and mechanical signals. Not only do cells experience mechanical forces imposed on them by their extracellular environment (e.g. shear flows, mechanical strains), but also cells are able to generate forces on their matrix and on each other that are important for regulating barrier function and tissue integrity. Our research focuses on revealing how extra- and intra-cellular mechanical signals influence the infection of host cells with intracellular bacterial pathogens. In particular, we want to understand (1) how bacteria hijack host cellular forces to facilitate their spread, and also (2) what biomechanical strategies host cells use to obstruct bacterial dissemination.
To do so we follow a multidisciplinary research approach, including the use of devices with flexibility and specificity to closely mimic in vivo tissue (patho)physiology. We design them in ways that facilitate quantitative and biomechanical measurements in multiple time and length scales.
Study of host cell-pathogen interactions and biomechanics and multiple length and time scales
Through our research we envision discovering novel biomechanical virulence mechanisms that bacteria employ to spread and also new aspects of host cell and tissue mechanobiology.